2 years!
2010-08-27 23:29:02.000 – Mike Carmon, Staff Meteorologist
Taken during my internship
I blinked, and two years have passed.
I can hardly believe it myself, but today, August 28th, is my 2-year mark working for the Observatory!
My beginnings at the organization were quite humble. I started out as a fall intern on the opposing shift-a shift short one observer.
Because Brian Clark was the only day observer, I was expediently trained in the tasks of an intern and an observer to aid him in daily summit operations. By the end of my first week, I had given multiple tours, produced a few forecasts for the higher summits (with my still-infant forecasting knowledge), helped out in the museum during one of the busiest days on record, and started learning how to take weather observations! It was an exhausting albeit exhilarating week for me, and I was anxious to get up to the summit my next week and start all over again.
As I’ve discussed quite a bit in prior comments, the lack of a third observer on our shift proved to be a fortunate situation for me, as I would have found myself out of a job at the conclusion of the internship. However, the higher-ups at this organization had a sense of humor and decided I might be able to fill that void, and hired me full-time at the beginning of 2009. This would mean a switch to the other shift, working with Steve Welsh and Stacey Kawecki, and a switch to working the night shift; both of which presented their own unique challenges.
As the last two years have progressed, I have gained invaluable knowledge about summit operations and the effort that goes into running an organization as unique as the Mount Washington Observatory. I knew the opportunity to put an internship at the Mount Washington Observatory on my resume was too juicy to pass up, but the experience I have gained since stepping into the roll of a full-time observer will be that much more useful in my future career endeavors. I had my doubts about taking the job, but when I’m camped under the stars at 2 a.m. taking a weather observation while soaking in breathtaking vistas, I know my presence here is no fluke.
In addition to the work experiences I’ve endured, the life experiences and transformations I’ve undergone since leaving behind my NJ home 730 days ago have been particularly distinct to me. Most have been good, some have been quite trying and taxing, but they’ve all landed me here. I’ve lived in 3 separate locations, finally settling down in Burlington, VT. I’ve met some very unique individuals and have forged many great friendships that will endure long after I take that fateful 7.6 mile journey down the Auto Road for the last time.
Mike Carmon, Staff Meteorologist
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