Mount Washington Weather Archives

Monthly F6 Forms:  Raw daily weather data (temperature, precipitation, wind, sunshine, sky cover, and weather occurrences) for each month of the year from 2005 to the present, as measured at the Mount Washington Observatory summit weather station.

Normals, Means, and Extremes:  Monthly normal average, minimum and maximum weather conditions (temperature, precipitation, snow, hail, ice pellets, and wind speed) as measured at the Mount Washington Observatory summit weather station.

Normal, Means, and Extremes

The following tables provide the “normal” weather conditions on Mount Washington for each month, averaged over the period of 1991-2020. Also included are the extreme (record) conditions recorded during the station’s history, from 1933 to the present.

Note: Values on this page are subject to change without notice.

Temperatures (°F)

Normal Monthly
Normal Daily
Maximum Average
Normal Daily
Minimum Average
Record High
Record Low
January 5.8 14.9 -3.2 48 (2013) -47 (1934)
February 5.9 14.8 -3.0 48 (2018) -47 (2023)
March 12.9 20.8 4.9 54 (1998, 2012) -38 (1950)
April 23.7 30.7 16.7 60 (1976) -20 (1995)
May 36.3 42.5 30.2 66 (1977,2020) -2 (1966)
June 45.5 51.4 39.6 72 (2003) 8 (1945)
July 49.9 55.3 44.5 71 (1953,2018) 24 (2001)
August 48.7 54.2 43.2 72 (1975) 20 (1986)
September 43.1 49.1 37.1 69 (1999) 9 (1992)
October 31.3 37.7 24.9 62 (2005) -5 (1939)
November 20.8 28.4 13.1 52 (1982,2019) -26 (2018)
December 11.8 20.1 3.5 47 (2001) -46 (1933)
Annual 28.0 35.0 21.0 72 (Aug. 1975) -47 (Jan. 1934)

Precipitation (Water Equivalent, Inches)

Normal Monthly
Record Maximum
Monthly Total (Year)
Record Minimum
Monthly Total (Year)
Record Maximum
in 24 Hours (Year)
January 5.74 18.23 (1958) 1.29 (1981) 4.85 (1986)
February 5.45 25.56 (1969) 0.98 (1980) 10.30 (1970)
March 6.72 15.98 (1977) 2.15 (1946) 6.45 (1999)
April 7.31 15.21 (1988) 2.19 (1959) 8.30 (1984)
May 7.68 19.00 (1997) 1.78 (1951) 4.60 (1967)
June 8.59 19.96 (1998) 2.43 (1979) 6.50 (1973)
July 8.93 17.08 (2023) 2.69 (1995) 7.37 (1969)
August 7.72 20.69 (1991) 2.46 (1996) 6.66 (2011)
September 7.66 15.47 (1994) 2.74 (1948) 5.38 (1985)
October 9.99 28.70 (2005) 0.75 (1947) 11.07 (1996)
November 8.09 19.56 (1983) 2.31 (1939) 6.07 (1968)
December 7.35 17.95 (1973) 1.49 (1955) 8.64 (1969)
Annual 91.23
Record Maximum Yearly Average (Year) Record Minimum Yearly Average (Year)
130.14 (1969) 71.34 (1979)

Snow, Ice Pellets, Hail (Inches)

Normal Monthly
Record Maximum
Monthly Total (Year)
Record Maximum
in 24 Hours (Year)
January 41.4 94.6 (1978) 24.0 (1978)
February 43.3 172.8 (1969) 49.3 (1969)
March 46.2 98.0 (1970) 27.4 (1969)
April 33.1 110.9 (1988) 27.2 (1988)
May 12.9 95.8 (1997) 22.2 (1967)
June 1.3 8.1 (1959) 5.1 (1988)
July 0.0 1.1 (1957) 1.1 (1957)
August 0.1 2.5 (1965) 2.5 (1965)
September 1.2 7.8 (1949) 7.7 (1986)
October 19.0 78.9 (2005) 25.7 (2005)
November 35.6 86.6 (1968) 25.0 (1968)
December 47.7 103.7 (1968) 37.5 (1968)
Annual 281.8
Record Maximum Seasonal Total (Year)
566.4 (1968-69)

Wind (MPH)

Normal Monthly
Average Speed
Normal Monthly
Average Direction
Record Peak Gust
Direction (Year)
January 45.6 W 172 – NW (1985)
February 44.6 W 171 – W (2019)
March 39.8 W 180 – W(1942)
April 35.6 W 231 – SE (1934)
May 29.6 W 164 – W (1945)
June 26.8 W 136 – NW (1941)
July 25.5 W 154 – W (1996)
August 24.5 W 147 – SE (2020)
September 27.6 W 174 – SE (1979)
October 35.5 W 161 – W (1943)
November 39.4 W 163 – NW (1983)
December 44.0 W 178 – NW(1980)
Annual 34.9 W 231 – SE (1934)
Normal weather conditions for January 2005 to June 2011 utilize National Climatological Data Center (NCDC) 30 year means for the years 1971-2000. Normal weather conditions for July 2011 to April 2021 utilize NCDC 30 year means for the years 1981-2010. Normal weather conditions for May 2021 to present utilize National Climatological Data Center (NCDC) 30 year means for the years 1991-2020.
Values on any of these pages are subject to change without notice if errors are found by Mount Washington Observatory, the National Weather Service, or the NCDC.

Climate 1935-2023: A graph of mean temperatures during these years.

NCON 3 Weather Summaries : Weather summaries from our NWS Co-op station located in North Conway New Hampshire.

National Weather Service Cooperative Weather Station:
North Conway, NH (NCON3)

Managed by Mount Washington Observatory Staff & Volunteers


This station, known as NCON3, is one of more than 8,000 weather monitoring sites in the country that are operated by volunteers in the National Weather Service (NWS) Cooperative Observer Program (Coop). The mission of the Coop program, according to NWS is:

  • To provide observational meteorological data, usually consisting of daily maximum and minimum temperatures, snowfall, and 24-hour precipitation totals, required to define the climate of the United States and to help measure long-term climate changes.
  • To provide observational meteorological data in near real-time to support forecast, warning and other public service programs of the NWS.Daily CooP observations began in North Conway in 1959 by Joe Dodge, one of the founders of Mount Washington Observatory, at his home on West Side Road. Briggs Bunker followed Dodge making daily observations a short distance away on Pine Street, from 1974 until 2006. Ed Bergeron continued making daily observations at his home on West Side Road until October 2015 when this station was commissioned on October 7, 2015. Now observations of rain, snow and temperature as well as visibility, sky cover and ground conditions are made every morning at 8:00 AM, 365 days a year by MWO staff and volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer at this station, or simply want to learn more, please contact


Read the latest monthly summaries from this station to learn about the weather and climate in the Mount Washington Valley:


April  May  June   July  August  September  October  November December

For current conditions at NCON3 (unofficial), please visit NCON3’s Rainwise weather station page here. (
This weather station was made possible through a lease from the Conway School District and by grants from:
New Hampshire Electric Coop Foundation, McIninch Foundation, Woodard and Curran Foundation and the Kendal C. and Anna Ham Charitable Foundation. Equipment was also provided by the National Weather Service of Gray, Maine, and RainWise Inc. of Trenton, Maine.