
Mount Washington Observatory Overnight Medical Training Program

CPR and First Aid Certifications For Those Who Work With Outdoor Youth

In partnership with Memorial Hospital in North Conway, and SOLO Wilderness Medical School in Conway, Mount Washington Observatory (MWOBS) is excited to offer an overnight medical training program at the Observatory’s summit weather station for staff at various youth-serving institutions (summer camps, schools, nonprofits).

Made possible by generous support from:

What’s Included

  • Round-trip transportation to and from the base in Observatory vehicles
  • A dedicated Observatory trip leader
  • Emergency medicine experts from SOLO and Maine Health’s Memorial Hospital in North Conway
  • Beverages and snacks upon arrival, lunch and dinner on the first day of your trip, and a hearty breakfast and lunch the next day
  • Overnight lodging in our bunk rooms
  • An exclusive tour of our weather station
  • The opportunity to experience Mount Washington’s conditions

IMPORTANT: Please read all background information and requirements for Mount Washington Observatory overnight programs. Click through each drop-down menu below to find more information about dates, schedule, cancellation policies and more.

Monday, August 26th to Tuesday, August 27th

Day 1 

  • 8:30 AM: Participant meet-up at Mt. Washington Auto Road base.  
  • 9:00 AM: Introductions and travel up Mt. Washington Auto Road. 
  • 10:00 AM: Arrive at summit, safety briefing. 
  • 11:00 AM: Summit outdoor session.  
  • 12:30 PM: Lunch.
  • 1:30 PM: Weather station tour. 
  • 2:00 PM: Afternoon session. 
  • 5:00 PM: Social hour with summit team. 
  • 6:00 PM: Summit team dinner. 
  • 7:00 PM: Evening session. 
  • 8:00 PM: Sunset viewing (weather dependent).


Day 2 

  • Early AM: Sunrise viewing (weather dependent).
  • 8:00 AM: Breakfast.
  • 9:00 AM: Morning session.
  • 12:00 PM: Lunch.
  • 1:00 PM: Final session.
  • 2:00 PM: Depart summit.
  • 3:00 PM: Program end at Mt. Washington Auto Road base. 

$250* per person. 

* Program rates do not include an additional administrative processing fee charged by our online booking service. This service reduces administrative time and helps Observatory educators, educate!

Participants stay in the communally shared weather station living quarters and bunkrooms. Guest bunkrooms feature 3-4 bunks per room (these are co-ed and shared) with freshly laundered fitted sheets and pillow cases. Rooms are climate controlled, with bunk lights and outlets.

Mount Washington is one of the most extreme and remarkable places on the planet, but not everyone is suited for this environment. 

The New Hampshire Fire Marshall’s Office requires that all summit visitors and volunteers meet one basic requirement: In the event of an emergency, you must be physically able to “self-evacuate” from the summit. This means you must have the physical ability to get yourself down the mountain, even in extreme conditions. We urge all participants to take this requirement very seriously. 

The Mount Washington Auto Road, which we use to access the summit, is about eight miles long. Approximately half of the road is above tree line. Weather above tree line is often severe, and can turn deadly if you are unprepared, ill-equipped, or unable to hike to safety in the event of a vehicular breakdown. 

Note: Trips will not be made far above tree line if the weather is judged to be extraordinarily severe, but even normal weather on Mount Washington can prove lethal to those who are unfit or poorly prepared. 


Summer Weather 

Our summer operating season is defined as the time when the Mount Washington Auto Road is open to private vehicles. Generally, this is mid-May through mid-October. 

An average mid-summer day on Mount Washington has a high temperature of about 53°F and an overnight low of about 42°F, but freezing temperatures can occur during any month of the year. Winds average about 25 mph, with hurricane-force gusts possible. Thick, wet fog occurs on about 90% of the days in summer, and measurable precipitation is recorded about every other day. 

Hiking conditions may include frigid temperatures, high winds, blowing precipitation, and limited visibility. 

Due to the severity of these conditions, we require that all participants: 

  • Are at least 18 years of age or are accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times 
  • Are ready, willing, and able to hike to safety on the Mt. Washington Auto Road, which could be up to eight miles on the steep, snow-covered mountain road, or possibly several miles on the rugged trails above tree line, amidst extreme weather conditions, such as blowing snow, thick fog, sub-zero temperatures, and high winds 
  • Are properly prepared with all the required clothing and equipment 
  • Understand the risks and hazards of participating in a visit to the Mount Washington Observatory 
  • Have to the best of their knowledge, completely filled out any pertinent health and safety information upon registration. If significant changes in health have occurred, please contact education@mountwashington.org with this information 

Summer Trip Gear List 

  • Wicking base layer  
  • Insulating mid-layer such as a fleece  
  • Waterproof outer layer/shell jacket  
  • Shell pants 
  • Pair of gloves 
  • Wool socks  
  • Hat 
  • Hiking boots 
  • Headlamp/Flashlight 
  • Water bottle  
  • Sunglasses  
  • Additional layers  
  • Sunblock 
  • Basic first aid supplies 
  • Trekking Poles (optional) 


Additional Requirements for Overnight Guests 

  • Indoor “lounging” clothes & footwear 
  • Sleeping bag (one fitted sheet and a pillow will be provided by MWOBS) 
  • All necessary toiletries 
  • Food items (if special non-allergenic dietary restrictions apply) 

Trips depart from and return to the parking lot at the northeast corner of the Great Glen Trails Outdoor Center at the base of the Mt. Washington Auto Road. The parking lot is located on Route 16 directly across the road from the main entrance to the Mount Washington Auto Road. Once we are assembled we will do introductions, load our gear into an Observatory vehicle and walk across the street to the Observatory’s garage for a brief safety orientation and then head up the mountain. Note: please park together with the other cars against the forest, so plow trucks can move easily through the lot.

  • While less likely in summer, extreme weather may occur at any time, and may delay a trip’s start or finish. For this reason, we recommend that you remain flexible with your travel plans on days one and two of the program. Weather-related changes are an inherent part of any true alpine adventure. 
  • Living and sleeping arrangements at the summit weather station are a communal space. Please note that bunkrooms are shared sleeping spaces with 3-4 bunks per room and may be co-ed. 
  • For those with severe pet allergies, please note that Nimbus, our summit cat, lives in the weather station (he is restricted from the bunk rooms). 

Upon successful completion of the training, you will receive a Wilderness First Aid (WFA) and CPR certification from SOLO that is good for two years.

The Wilderness First Aid (WFA) is the perfect course for the outdoor enthusiast or trip leader who wants a basic level of first aid training for short trips with campers, students, family, friends, and outdoor groups.

The WFA is 16 hours long (two days), and focuses on the basic skills of: Response and Assessment, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Environmental Emergencies, Survival Skills, Soft Tissue Injuries, and Medical Emergencies. Learn more about emergency medical skills taught from SOLO.