A Bike Race and my Dad
2010-08-21 17:56:07.000 – Mike Finnegan, IT Observer
It has been another nice day here on the summit. I awoke not only to low winds and lots of sunshine, but also to a whole lot of people. This surprised me because it was not yet 6:00 AM, but then I remembered it was the day of the Mount Washington Autoroad Bicycle Hillclimb. The day was spent taking observations, explaining the concept of a sling psychrometer to a number of folks, and petting any dog I could find. Clouds slowly built in overhead and as daytime heating occurred, fluffy cumulus popped up around us. Fog flirted with the mountain several times today, but it was intermittent and didn’t hang around long. I was really quite pleased with this because my Dad, John, and his wife, Kathy, came up to the summit to see where I spend over half my life. Although I spend much of my time with my head in the clouds, I’d rather show them the views surrounding this place. Hopefully we will stay out of the clouds for a while so they can also see the city lights this evening. For now though, I am at the end of my shift, so I am going to end this comment a bit short to go hang out with them. Check back in tomorrow for an update on their stay as I am going to try to convince them to write a comment!
Mike Finnegan, IT Observer
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