A Brief Return To The Obs

2014-06-21 18:18:07.000 – Rebecca Scholand,  Former Observer


It has been a little over two months since I left the summit of Mount Washington for my new job with Backpacker Magazine. A constant thought I have had was how would I feel once I returned? Would it feel like visiting a childhood home that is no longer yours, or would it feel like coming home from college to see your family?

Stepping away from a place you have called home gives you a new prospective on the work you did there. I can honestly say I have never been so proud to say I was a former Observer. I educated hundreds of children, observed countless weather observations, and helped in some research opportunities. Right there alone, the mission of the Observatory, and I was a part of it! Even now I continue to be a member because I couldn’t think of not being a small part of this incredible organization and I encourage you to do the same.

For me this brief visit will have to suffice until next month when I am back to participate in Seek the Peak. Not only will I have an opportunity to hike, but I will also have a booth set up with Backpacker Magazine. So if you are not registered for this incredible event, visit SeekThePeak.organd sign up. Your contributions to the Observatory make a huge difference.

Non-Observer Footnote: Extreme Mount Washington is AMAZING! I am so proud to be a part of it. Visit the summit and check it out!


Rebecca Scholand,  Former Observer

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