A Brisk Awakening

2008-10-17 22:35:44.000 – Stacey Kawecki,  Observer

Ocean Reflections

It may have been written before, but one of the best methods of arousing the senses after a night’s slumber is to head to the top of the tower in relatively chilly weather. Though we missed snow by a little bit, we were treated to an adequate amount of rime ice and glaze ice. I knew my forecast had been a slightly wrong when I heard Mike deicing just before I arose. However, the fog cleared and left us with a partial undercast and a clear line of view to the Atlantic Ocean.

As the undercast slowly diminished, other landmarks revealed themselves: Mount Coburn, Camel’s Hump, Killington, and even Jay Peak. Darkness has now enveloped the summit and the sparkling valley lights twinkle laughingly at us.

It’s a good thing that sunrise occurs later and later every day, because that means that the entire crew will enjoy the majestic beauty that signifies the beginning of a new day (or the end if you’re the night observer).


Stacey Kawecki,  Observer

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