A February Edutrip Adventure
2019-03-08 11:24:53.000 – Rob Schaefer, San Antonio Texas, Winter EduTrip Adventurer and Boston Rotary Survivor
On our first attempt, we had trouble getting to the top of Mount Washington … a week later on our second attempt, we had trouble getting to the bottom of Mount Washington …
Many words come to mind when attempting to describe our February EduTrip adventure: awesome, spectacular, record breaking but the word that seems to describe the trip best for me is humbling. We like to think we have control of our own destiny but it’s humbling to realize that although we were outfitted and well prepared, the mountain and the weather had the final say. Our group experienced disappointment the first week when we had to turn back before reaching the summit, elation the next week upon reaching the summit and then got to top it off with an additional three nights on the summit. What did we do with all that time?
We got to know our fellow adventurers, observers and volunteers. Learned that Panhandle Hooks actually do exist … although named differently outside of Texas. Witnessed the February record gust of 171mph. Wore crampons for the first time (very cool). Learned mountaineering concepts and techniques from one of the best. Ate very well thanks to some amazing cooks. Trekked around the summit in winds that ranged from calm to over 100mph. Most importantly, I gained an appreciation and respect for Mount Washington and the weather that have made it, the observatory and its observers so famous.
I was asked when I returned to San Antonio if I ever felt unsafe on my trip in subzero temperatures and 100+ mph winds … Absolutely … as a Texan experiencing a Boston two lane traffic rotary for the first time. My apologies to those numerous Bostonians who honked the other day.
What could have possibly improved my adventure of being stranded on the top of a mountain with howling winds and a blinding snowstorm during the middle of winter? … A copy of the SHINING to watch!!!
Rob Schaefer, San Antonio Texas, Winter EduTrip Adventurer and Boston Rotary Survivor
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