A Fond Farewell!
2017-08-20 14:34:36.000 – Margaret Jividen, Summit Intern
“A mountain has no need for people, but people do need mountains. We go to them for their beauty, for the exhilaration of standing closer to mysterious skies, for the feeling of triumph that comes from having labored to reach a summit.” – Earl Hamner, Jr.
Despite being over 500 miles from where I was born and raised, coming to the White Mountains has felt like a homecoming to me. From the purple lupines of early summer, to the white birch lining both roads and far flung trails, to the cold snow melt running down the mica schist of the Rockpile itself, I find myself wondering daily at the beauty of this area, and I am deeply saddened that I must leave so soon.
I had the rare luck of knowing where I belong from an early age—when my family brought me up to Mount Washington at age 7, I knew two things: I was going to be a meteorologist, and I was going to live in New Hampshire. To be living out such a young, innocent goal over a decade later is a truly one of the most amazing things I have done in my life.
Figure 1: Enjoying an early summer undercast day.
Working at Mount Washington has greatly influenced my future and helped me to find my path in this career field. Using my tools provided by dozens of credit hours of math, physics, and meteorology, I am finally able to see my forecasts impact real people and help to provide safety and education to those visiting and living in the area. I am so thankful to both my professors from Brockport and the observers here at MWO for supporting me and teaching me so much about the atmosphere and writing a concise, accurate forecast. Through tours and answering the questions of everyone from children to casual weather enthusiasts to NASA scientists, I have reaffirmed my passion for educating others and sharing my love of science with them.
Figure 2: A summer here has meant happiness, hikes, and fulfilling work for me. Photo from early June at Lowe’s Bald Spot.
By being here in the mountains of New Hampshire, I have become more of who I know I am meant to be. There have been extremely busy, trying days, difficult forecasts, and the loneliness of living alone for the first time. But there have been countless more moments of wonder, laughter, pride, and growth. I have climbed mountains, both literal and metaphorical. To be taught and to teach here has been such a defining moment of my life, and I am so thankful for this opportunity. I want to especially thank the observers of my shift Tom, Taylor, and Ryan, for not only being amazing role models and guiding this internship, but also for being supportive and great friends. Thank you to my fellow interns Elizabeth and Julia for all the memories, inside jokes, and encouragement in the hardest moments of the summer.
There have been many interns before me, and there will be many after, but I am so appreciative of this internship and how it has so deeply impacted both my professional and personal life. I know I must say goodbye to the White Mountains and MWO for now, but I hope I do return someday to a place that now feels like home.
Figure 3: Enjoying a colorful early June sunset with fellow summer interns Julia and Elizabeth. Goodbye, Mount Washington!
Margaret Jividen, Summit Intern
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