A lazy day on the Summit
2012-06-08 21:40:11.000 – Marty, Summit Cat
Posing for pictures all day is just so exhausting
I have to say I’m just exhausted after spending hours early this morning ridding the Weather room of an infestation of Flying Squirrels and protecting Weather Observer and Meteorologist Ryan Knap from the little invaders. By my count there were eight or ten of the little varmints I had to chase from the building and off the Summit all by myself. Why I just don’t know how the Humans up here on the Summit could ever survive without my keen hunting skills and ability to keep the rodent population in check.
I have to sign off for now so I can get in a short “Cat” nap before I’m called on again tonight to keep the Observatory a safe and happy place to live and work. I just don’t know what the Humans would do without me.
Marty, Summit Cat
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