A Little Limerick

2015-01-20 21:41:39.000 – Nate Iannuccillo, Summit Intern


I sat there staring at the blue
Pretending like I hadn’t a clue
Because after forecasting snow
Twenty six days in a row
My dreams had not yet become true
But as I stepped outside late that night
I turned to the dark with my light
And when I saw my first glimmer
Reflect back with a shimmer
I knew my prediction was right
As I watched the first snow all around
I was left feeling oh so profound
The cold touch on my face
Made my warm heartbeat race
My! How the snow can astound!


Nate Iannuccillo, Summit Intern

100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington

December 22nd, 2024|Comments Off on 100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington

100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington By Alex Branton I recently collaborated with the Education team to compile and answer the most frequently asked questions during our programs. From daily

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