A stormy Sunday ahead.
2013-06-01 18:01:58.000 – Brian Fitzgerald, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
Seeing Red (=30% of severe t-storms)
After a brief day off the summit in order to fight a cold and fever it was back to work for me last night, taking the oh-so-familiar 30 minute drive up the Auto Road to work. It’s a funny feeling being off the summit when you know your shift is up there working when you can see work pretty plainly from your own house. Thankfully I’m back up at work and excited about the possibilities of some severe weather looking to make its way into the Northeast tomorrow late in the day.
Our shift was treated to an excellent lightning display just over the New Hampshire-Canadian border last night that featured frequent in-cloud, cloud-to-cloud and cloud-to-air lightning. Observers, Interns, State Park Employees, Volunteers and Museum Staff all watched the storm with the lights turned off in the weather room as the storm passed to the north and east with clear skies over the summit.
Looking ahead to tomorrow, the National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma has placed most of interior New England in the 30% risk area of severe weather, which may not be so uncommon to areas of the Midwest last month, but is certainly a surefire sign that inclement weather is on the way for the Whites. A combination of a strong cold front and high humidity levels will factor in to make tomorrow afternoon a good time to find some indoor activities. Plan your hikes accordingly please and stay tuned to the higher summits forecast higher summits forecast tomorrow!
Happy Storm Watching!
Brian Fitzgerald, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
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