A Very Memorable Week!

2016-06-14 15:03:44.000 – Arline Cochrane, Summit Volunteer


Sadly,  another week atop the Rockpile is nearing it’s end and I wish to take some time to thank all of the Mount Washington community for all the work that you do whether it’s in membership, volunteer coordination, observer, etc. Speaking for myself I am thankful for the knowledge MWO is gaining and so happy that this knowledge is shared with the world. 


Enjoying the high winds! 

To the crew on my shift, it is uplifting to see a group of people with such good hearts and work ethics. Everyone knows what is expected of them and the job gets done. You have expessed your appreciation for what we have done for you and that in itself has re-charged my battery. We have enjoyed your company so much and will miss the jokes and after dinner discussions and we hope that we will be welcomed back. 

My Sister and I out in the wintry June weather! 


Thank you to my amazing Sister who I think was the model for the Energizer Bunny for coming with me and sharing this experience with me.


Ice built up on one of the trail signs 

You have all made this week so special for me and Mother Nature did her part too when she sent a storm in on Thursday that gave us winds up to 100 MPH, snow and rime ice all over everything. This stay has been so different from last year’s in August. Each provided me with such beauty and memories to last my lifetime. We both got some amazing photos that we will proudly look at for the rest of our lives and that we have shared on Facebook with family and friends. I love reading the facebook comments and seeing everyone’s reactions to our posts.

We also are glad we got to spend time with Marty too. He is there anytime anyone needs to cuddle his soft fur and decompress and appreciate his just being there.

Marty the cat hanging out in the living room



Arline Cochrane, Summit Volunteer


Arline Cochrane, Summit Volunteer

Disaster in the Naugatuck River Valley

August 30th, 2024|Comments Off on Disaster in the Naugatuck River Valley

Disaster in the Naugatuck River Valley By Francis Tarasiewicz On the afternoon of August 18th, a roughly 31-mile swath of the Naugatuck River Valley in southwestern Connecticut experienced a generational rainfall event. Over a

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