A volunteer
2006-10-07 11:33:10.000 – Diane Beland and Harold Kazanj, Summit Volunteer
The beginning of Columbus Day weekend and the weather is unbelievable. Agreat chance to explore without having to worry too too much about theelements here on top of the mountain. The forecast does not seemthreatening.
As a member/volunteer for the Observatory I can only say how spectacular ithas been. Last night was one of the most glorious sunsets I think I haveever seen. The sun setting on one side the full moon rising on the other.
I think anyone that is reading this and is not a member should be. Not onlydoes your membership come with benefits but it supports the great work thatis being done up here. It’s a great team here and I can’t say enough aboutmy particular experience this week.
Thank you to Neil, Ryan, Mike, Sharon and Sunshine!
Diane Beland and Harold Kazanj, Summit Volunteer
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