Auto Road Open

2008-05-25 18:35:53.000 – Steve Welsh,  IT Observer

First Stage Coaches Of The Season

After several days of freezing fog and snow today was a very pleasant change with sun, blue skies, warm temperatures and low winds. At last we could get some outside work done! This morning Natalie and I mounted and connected up a new Trango Broadband Wireless radio to the top of the tower. This device will link to the ever expanding mesonet as well as providing backup internet service to the observatory. This afternoon Ted and I reburied a small section of our fiber optic cable, which runs to some of our remote weather sensors. Parts of the cable had risen above the surface due to recent freeze thaw cycles. It was certainly nice to get outside and enjoy the weather.

The Auto Road opened yesterday and with the Cog Railway also running trains to the summit, things are looking a lot different compared to my previous shifts. Since starting work at the Observatory last October I’ve only really seen the building closed and apart from the occasional hiker and Edutrip I haven’t seen more than a few people up here at any given time. There have probably been more people on the summit in the past two days than in the last six months – quite a change. To go along with this, the observatory museum is also now open and we are once again giving tours of the observatory to our members.


Steve Welsh,  IT Observer

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