Back Again

2010-01-09 22:59:01.000 – Aubrie Pace,  Former Intern


Oh, the Summit of Mount Washington! How I have missed thee. It truly is a joy to be up here again on an EduTrip for the MWOBS. I would almost swear it is back to the good ole days of the fall of 2007 when I was a young intern.

After an interesting Saturday– instead of Wednesday– journey to the summit, the group and I were welcomed by the shift and volunteers. We took a safety tour, ate some lunch, and played in the 61 mph gusts. I then returned to my old post in the kitchen with the volunteers. Al and Marion told me about all their travels and what inevitably led them to the observatory.

One of the most welcoming feelings about life on the summit is the bond we develop here. There are three observers and about two interns that stay constant for at least a season. I would now be considered a changing variable as I am apart of the EduTrip crew as an assistant trip leader. While it is daunting to not be in the loop anymore, I remember always enjoying the fresh new face and unique story that came with each visitor to the summit.

Once I heard a new story, I went to catch up on those I had not heard in a while. I got to help Steve and Stacey with some work while hearing how they both were and what was new in their lives. I tried to get Steve to sing and dance with me, but just like old times he looked at me as if I were crazy. Then I made a point to put a face to a voice with Mike Carmon who is someone I have spoken to briefly on the phone when I call up to chat.

The most enjoyable part of my trip so far has been spending time with Drew who is the new winter intern. I finally have a chance to prepare someone new for an experience they will never forget. I was thrilled to hear he adores this place as much as I do. My wish for him is that he will not get bored of standing outside and letting this place take his breathe away. I am confident that he will not disappoint. Also, I have high expectations for his ObsCASTs and I hope you will all tune in this week as he makes his introduction.

Unfortunately, that is it for me. I hope to be back up in a year with another great EduTrip for more fun and weather. For now, I hope you all enjoy some of the valley snow and have a happy new year! Be well.


Aubrie Pace,  Former Intern

Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds

September 4th, 2024|Comments Off on Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds

Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds By Maya Hartley Arriving at the summit of Mount Washington for the first time ever just a couple of months ago was a moment I will never

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