Back to winter…

2007-01-07 08:22:16.000 – Jackie Johnson,  Summit Intern


Yesterday, with the lack of snow up here, true winter depression had set in. Being on the summit of Mount Washington and not seeing any snow in January is very disheartening. Then waking up to the temperature in the forties yesterday was just the icing on the cake. Last night, with winds up in the eighties Jim took Brent and I outside to test our sea (actually- wind) legs. Luckily for us, the tower blocked the brunt of the wind and all the ice had melted off the deck, so we did considerably well.

It was nice to wake up this morning and not be able to see out of the windows because of all the rime ice build up. It is beginning to feel a little like winter again. Hopefully, today will usher in a new trend of weather as a high pressure system moves into the area (what harm can a little bit of positive thinking do), and we can get rid of all the slush puddles that have been all over the summit the past couple of days.

Observer Note: Yesterday the summit broke the daily record high, with a temperature of 43 degrees. This broke the old record of 37, set in 1946. This was only 4 degrees below the all time high for January of 47, set on January 19th, 1995.


Jackie Johnson,  Summit Intern

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