
2010-06-04 22:57:49.000 – Mike Carmon,  Staff Meteorologist

Our museum attendant, Deb, often talks about our shift as her mountain family. Working and living with the same group of people for a week at a time results in a tight-knit crew that feels very much like another family and not just a group of co-workers.

This year, I was fortunate to be on the summit with this mountain family for the latest in a 24-year history of special days we often refer to as “birthdays.”

That’s right…on Thursday, June 3, I turned the ripe age of 24. I knew it would be a bit different this year, being on the summit and away from most of my friends. However, my colleagues took it upon themselves to ensure that it would be a memorable evening! For as long as I can remember, at every family gathering, games would be an important part of the night. So I decided to keep the tradition going with my summit kin and pull a few games out to kick the evening off.

After a few rounds of Apples to Apples, we sat down to a delicious dinner, courtesy of our volunteers Peter & Susan. After stuffing my face and taking another observation, Stacey brought out the dessert, and we all dove into the sinfully delicious chocolate cupcakes. Afterwards, we sat down in the living room and continued the game night with multiple rounds of Loaded Questions. All of this took place with my music of choice in the background (Lady Gaga…that’s right). Even Marty made an appearance and stuck around for most of the festivities.

The evening was a lot of fun and I couldn’t have asked for a better time! Thanks to Stacey, Deb, Steve, Kristin, Sabrina, Peter, Susan and Marty for celebrating with me! Sure, it was different, but when I think about it…who would have guessed, 24 years ago, that in as many years, I’d be celebrating my birthday on the summit of Mt. Washington?


Mike Carmon,  Staff Meteorologist

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