Cathys first comment

2007-06-08 21:16:27.000 – Cathy Radonic,  Summit Intern

A ‘herd’ of Corvette

My first few days up here on the mountain as a new summit intern have gone by so quickly, as I have become pleasantly wrapped up in learning the ways of the observatory. Life here above (well, just as much in) the clouds is much different from the hustle and bustle of busy Long Island, where I was born and raised. It seems like a lifestyle that I could quickly get accustomed to, though! But, I do have a great deal to learn and I accept it all with open arms.

Like my fellow interns that have started the past few weeks, my first few days have mainly been learning the ropes around here. I certainly have some catching up to do though, being the late starter! The other intern, Lynn, on this shift has been amazing at teaching me everything she had learned her first week, which was a wealth of information I might add. It seems she has picked everything up so fast, and my goal is to do the same! So far, I have been shadowing the observers and learning how they ‘code’ the current weather, which has forced me to dust off that top bookshelf in my brain where all of that METAR code has been stored! I also kept busy on Wednesday night, my first night up, aiding in the photography of one of the Observatory’s icing experiments. I was fortunate enough to get a tiny taste of some wintry conditions at the summit while doing this, and I got to experience the outdoors here covered in some of its famous rime ice, despite it being so late in the season.

Contrasting the unseasonably cold temperatures Wednesday night was a beautiful day today in the 60’s with pretty calm winds (by summit standards of course). This made it a nice day for the Skyline Drive Corvette Club to make it up the Auto Road to the summit. I gave my first tour to them this evening, showing them our living quarters as Nin stretched for them and showed off by trying to steal some food laid out for dinner. Nonetheless, the tour went well, and I hope to give many more as I continue to learn about the observatory and enjoy the summit. It should be a great summer and I’m sure when my next shift change rolls around, I’ll certainly be looking for more!


Cathy Radonic,  Summit Intern

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