Cheers to our Volunteers

2014-05-13 23:31:25.000 – Kaitlyn O`Brien,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist

Volunteers Joe and John watching the sunset

It was another beautiful day on the summit of Mount Washington! Winds were light and variable, temperatures were seasonably warm, and the sun was peeking through several cloud layers. Like every Tuesday at the end of our shift, we prepare for shift change on Wednesday morning. Thanks to our wonderful volunteers, the lengthy Tuesday ‘To-do’ list was knocked out in no time! It’s often easy to take the hard work our volunteers do for granted, but I know I’m speaking on behalf of all of us here at the Observatory when I say that your hard work does not get overlooked. We appreciate everything you do for us, from the home-cooked meals to the assistance you provide with larger projects around the building. If you’ve never volunteered on the summit before, but you are interested in doing so in the future, simply click here for more information. To all of our past volunteers, thank you for your time and we hope you enjoyed our company as much as we enjoyed yours!


Kaitlyn O`Brien,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist

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