Circus Vs. Observer

2012-09-20 19:56:15.000 – Rebecca Scholand,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist

Can you spot the three modes of transportation?

Last night the temperature on the Summit reached 27 degrees and I woke to frost covering the rocks outside. A welcome sight for me as I love winter and it got me thinking about how winter on the summit is not only something I enjoy but part of my job.

Last week I was sent the link to a video a friend made of how he gets ready for work. Although our lives are very different I could relate. Now I will start by saying that my friend is a performer for 20 Penny Productions in Florida, a sideshow circus, and I an Observer for the Mount Washington Observatory. Very different positions and jobs indeed, but we both wake up and become the person we enjoy being. Whether gearing up to brave the weather or getting ready to entertain a crowd it puts us in character and we are prepared for the day.

When I wake up in the winter it’s not a simple 1-2-3 to get ready. I have my base layers to think about. What mid layer is best for the conditions and what jacket might serve me best. On really cold days I turn to a heavier jacket. On windy days I might grab a shell with a fleece under. I grab warm gloves, hat, and goggles. When I step out to brave the conditions I am ready, luckily Eastern Mountain Sports keeps us warm.

So the point of this comment is to remind everyone that no matter what you are getting ready to do in the morning make sure you are prepared for the day no matter what you are doing, preforming for a crowd, observing the weather, or just enjoying the outdoors!

If you are in the White Mountains be sure to check our current conditions page to help you be ready for the conditions.


Rebecca Scholand,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist

In the Snow Globe: Dispatches from Mount Washington

January 10th, 2025|Comments Off on In the Snow Globe: Dispatches from Mount Washington

In the Snow Globe: Dispatches from Mount Washington By Marin MacDonald Hey MWOBS community, my name is Marin MacDonald (she/her), and I am the Mount Washington Observatory/Mount Washington Avalanche Center intern this winter! Growing

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