Cold But Clear
2014-03-17 19:36:21.000 – Mike Dorfman, Weather Observer
Yet another beautiful day on the Rock-pile! With visibility at 120 miles for much of the day, we were able to see five states (MA, NY, VT, ME, NH) and two countries (the US and Canada; and many more if you count the dozens of country-named towns that surround the area). Despite more wild weather in the wintertime, our clearest days are during periods of cold high pressure in the winter. Although we can only report up to 130 miles for visibility, we can often see much farther than that. One of my co-workers has even seen as far as Cadillac Mountain on a particularly clear morning, a distance of over 150 miles! Due to the lack of moisture in the air, clear winter days generally have greater visibility than their summer counterparts.
Mike Dorfman, Weather Observer
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