Colder Weather

2013-09-25 23:21:20.000 – Rebecca Scholand,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist

Sunset over an undercast today.

While the past few days in the valley have been perfect for work in the yard without bundling up, returning to the summit today was a little different. With each observation I am forced to bundle up in my warm Eastern Mountain Sports jacket and cozy Vasque boots. Venturing outside for even a minimal amount of time, I feel the cold air’s chill. It is clear my blood has yet to thicken for the winter ahead. This is the time of year when I find myself layering everything I can get my hands on; however, by the end of the winter a short sleeve shirt under a jacket is all I need. It is incredible how our bodies can adjust to the variable conditions. Luckily, it is very warm inside.


Rebecca Scholand,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist

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