2007-12-26 08:38:06.000 – Aubrie Pace, Summit Intern
The Gang on Christmas Eve
I have attended two great schools, Lincoln Middle School and Barrington High School, and I have learned a lot from both. However, from what I have learned, the thing I utilize the most is not what I thought it would be. My classroom education has helped me more than once on the summit, from Science and Math for weather, to English and Creative Writing for these comments, to Acting for tours and polycoms. Roles in school publications also helped me with leadership and public relations. I had amazing teachers that taught me more then what was on the curriculum by sharing their experiences, showing me not to give up even when it seems like no one notices what you do, and that the good can out weigh so much bad. I had classmates who were there for every experience. They showed me how to be a good friend and person and gave me a chance to care about someone more than myself. In the end though, the thing I cherished most in both schools and over the past few months on the summit was a sense of community. I was apart of the lives of those around me, not just another face they saw everyday. I contributed to the grand scheme, bigger than just you and me. I formed friendships that became a temporary family. I have my own family that I love dearly and who have taught and helped me more than I could ever ask, but winning the respect and admiration of people who do not have to like you is a great feat, which I have enjoyed attempting the past four months. We have shared a lot up here, grown from each other, experienced new things, and in the end just had fun. I will miss this place, the people, the weather, and the feeling I get every time I come up on shift change. While I wish I could stay, I know that I must move on and start my new adventure. I adored every moment I was in those schools and that has taught me to adore every moment I have since then.
The experiences I have gained on Mount Washington have helped to shape me, the same way school did, and I can not wait to take what I have learned with me and bring it to the Wheaton College community.
Aubrie Pace, Summit Intern
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