Cooking in the Clouds

2017-07-12 06:36:18.000 – Elizabeth Seabury and Steve Hempel, Summit Volunteers



It’s only been a week,

but now it’s time to go.

We’ve seen all kinds of weather,

but unfortunately, no snow!


(However, we have placed our bets

on the Mt. Jefferson patch,

when will it finally melt?

Will my guess be the match?)


As we prepare to leave the mountain,

it’s time for us to say,

how much we’ve enjoyed our time here,

and thank you for our stay.


The weather is amazing,

the clouds, the wind, the sun.

But it’s the crew that has been the key

to creating all our fun.


We haven’t seen much of Ryan,

he sleeps most of the day.

But we know that he is working,

while we all hit the hay.


He’s got a thing with Marty,

they are a loving pair.

And we appreciate the forecast,

that with everyone, he shares.


AJ works downstairs,

curating and selling gifts.

But when he comes for dinner,

everyone’s spirits, he lifts.


Taylor is amazing,

she’s an engineer,

there clearly is no project

that will bring her any fear.


She’s made us feel at home here,

and doesn’t take up much space,

and she is overwhelmed with joy.

when the cars begin to race.


Margaret is a vegetarian,

she doesn’t eat any meat.

But for all that are around her,

her presence is a treat.


She loves to be with people,

and she’s got a lust for life,

Even though there’s a lot going on,

she deals with all the strife.


Julia clearly loves the work

of being a forecaster.

She studies and she researches.

Of weather, she’s a master.


Elizabeth does so many things.

and she is quiet and strong,

We can see that in this place,

with everyone, she gets along.


Despite her time in Paris,

eating fancy food,

she never puts her nose up,

even if the meal is crude.


And Tom has been our steady guide,

showing us what to do.

He’ll answer every question,

And never tell us “Shoo!”.


He loves to track the lightning,

the winds and the rain.

He warns us of the dangers,

so that we may live to hike again.


So thank you all once again,

we hope to see you soon.

To the Mt. Washington Observatory,

you’re a tremendous boon.


Elizabeth Seabury and Steve Hempel, Summit Volunteers

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