In-Kind Donations

In-kind gifts include physical assets, such as collections, equipment, books, works of art, software and other personal or corporate property given to Mount Washington Observatory for its use or for liquidation. Gifts-in-kind valued in excess of $500 should be accompanied by a deed of gift and the fair market value as determined by the donor. The IRS and the Observatory require that gifts-in-kind valued at more than $5,000 are accompanied by an independent appraisal.

Federal tax law generally allows individual donors who give non-cash gifts to the Observatory to claim a charitable contribution deduction for the fair market value of the gift. Numerous exceptions apply, so please consult your tax advisor for more information.

If you are interested in making an in-kind gift to the Observatory, please contact us to determine if the gift fits the Observatory’s current needs.


Charlie Buterbaugh, Director of External Affairs
Call (603) 356-2137, ext. 211 or email