Edutrip Plug
2009-06-27 16:18:11.000 – Peter Crane, Director of Programs
If you’re a regular visitor to the Observatory website, and a fan of Mount Washington, we hope you are aware that the Observatory has several informal educational programs to give you an opportunity to spend time here on the mountain and to learn more about it. Among the programs are Summer EduTrips, which include van transportation up and down, an overnight at the Observatory, and a full guided tour during your day-and-a-half on the mountain. It you have an affection for this mountain, it’s a great ‘immersion’ experience in the landscape, environment, and history of this remarkable place.
We have scheduled 8 Summer EduTrips for this season, and the first one is this coming Saturday-Sunday, July 4-5. We still have spaces open on this trip, so if you’d like to celebrate Independence Day with a stay atop Mount Washington – this is your chance! If weather allows, you may even be able to see fireworks displays in different towns around the mountain from this lofty perch – a very different and novel experience!
For more information about the Summer EduTrips, check here.
Peter Crane, Director of Programs
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