Emily’s comment
2009-01-08 11:19:05.000 – Summit Volunteer, Summit Volunteer
I received one of two responses when I told people I was going to be volunteering at the Mt. Washington Observatory for New Year’s week: ‘Wow! I wish I could go too!’ or ‘You must be completely out of your mind.’ After hearing about my week up here, more people have fallen into the group that thinks I’m crazy. We dealt with such challenges as lost equipment, 138 mph winds, -20 F temperatures (before windchill), cooking for an EduTrip and a day trip, and 3 of the 6 of us falling to a stomach virus. Luckily, Marty, the summit cat, was a great source of moral support and furry encouragement.
This trip was my first to the summit of Mt. Washington, so I didn’t quite know what to expect. The week turned out to be a lot of fun and very educational. It was interesting to speak with those on the EduTrip and day trip about their backgrounds and reasons for braving the trip up the mountain in the middle of the winter. I am a senior Earth Science major at Boston University, so it was fun to add my geologic perspective to everything that’s going on up here.
I look forward to coming back to the observatory to volunteer again…although maybe in warmer weather when I’ll be able to explore a little more than the observation deck.
–Emily Carruthers
Summit Volunteer, Summit Volunteer
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