Fast changing weather…
2006-12-17 20:54:57.000 – Jim Salge, Observer
Summit Fox At Sunset…
The weather patterns over the peak have seemingly been moving quickly in the past week, but overall, the changes have been slight. A zonal flow across the entire country has kept storms weak, and cold air has been non-existent. In fact, the low temperature during the past week on the summit was 15 degrees, while the average daily temp should be ten. The fast moving systems have kept winds strong, but little snowfall has been produced by the on and off clouds flying past the windows.
It’s fortunate that the few calm moments around the peak the past few days have allows some rather spectacular sights. Of course the aurora late last week sticks out in our minds, but cap clouds, lenticulars and halos have all been enjoyed by the summit staff. Also on the summit during the calmer periods have been the summit foxes, now numbering three. Tracks are typically seen all over the mountain range in the winter, and it was exciting to see the whole family (?) around the summit at once the other evening.
While these periods of calm have been enjoyable, they haven’t lasted long. Heavy glaze ice coated the towers today, as winds roared at hurricane force. These winds will finally be ushering in some colder air between tonight and Tuesday. And change in the forecast is exactly what Northern New England needs!
Jim Salge, Observer
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