First few days…
2010-05-28 16:20:38.000 – Hanna Brewer, Summit Intern
Marty, also, is calmed by the mountain.
After my first few days atop Mount Washington, I’m starting to think that the ‘Home of the World’s Worst Weather’ isn’t living up to its name. I can’t say I’m too broken-hearted, however. It has been absolutely beautiful welcoming weather for me with temperatures in the 50s and relatively calm winds. I’ve scarcely needed more than a light jacket to shadow observers Brian Clark and Mike Finnegan on their hourly weather observations, which means ideal cloud and stargazing conditions.
It is a very humbling experience to stand atop the Northeast’s highest peak and realize how small you are compared to the world around you. The mountains extending to the horizon and cloud phenomena going on over your head put into perspective the enormous scale at which the earth and sky operate. I’ve always found peace in the outdoors, and while some would argue that the conditions atop Mount Washington are rarely ‘peaceful’, the beauty and solitude of this place have a very calming effect. I’m unbelievably thankful I was chosen to intern here for the summer and am keen to see what new knowledge and experiences the mountain will offer me during my time here.
Hanna Brewer, Summit Intern
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