From Fog to Beauty
2010-11-02 14:14:03.000 – Mike Finnegan, IT Observer
Undercast Glory at Sunrise
Finally…the sun has decided to show his face again! Although Thursday was a beautiful day, it has been since then that we have been in the fog. Nonetheless, I was still able to get out for a hike on Friday to try to re-repair the datalogger at Lakes. After a foggy, snowy, and slightly windy hike down, I set to troubleshooting the logger. I have a reasonable clue as to what might be wrong, but it will take another trip and some hardware from the valley to test it. Hopefully the coming week will see some favorable weather to allow Steve a nice hike down and back. Besides that, the days have been spent completing some final touches on the new mesonet page and doing other IT related tasks. The days have been punctuated by helping Erica shovel and deicing every hour or so. The nights have been spent mainly playing music, working on a fun jig called Banish Misfortune and a bit of guitar as well. Besides music, there is the pastime of watching some TV or a movie down below in the living quarters or visiting with our friends over at State Park. Tonight will likely be a bit different though. The sky is clear of any clouds, while a nice undercast has slowly been dissipating through the day. The moon, which I caught just a glimpse of as we began to leave the fog early this morning, is a slim crescent so it should be a good night for stargazing. I imagine it will be a fine ending to a day that began just as excellent. Not long after sunrise, the undercast to the west turned a beautiful pink color and the sun cast the shadow of the summit on it, surrounded by a glory. It is quite a contrast from the rest of the week, but one that makes it just that much sweeter!
Mike Finnegan, IT Observer
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