Frozen Cameras
2016-06-09 17:17:46.000 – Meredith Campbell, Summit Intern
Even though it’s already the second week of June, I woke up this morning to a classic winter wonderland. Honestly for the past few years I haven’t been very excited about snow or ice, because I usually have to drive long distances to work or school. Things are different here on the summit of Mount Washington. The ice and the snow and the wind and the cold are absolutely fantastic, and I feel like a kid again wanting to go outside and play. Not only is the extreme weather exciting, it’s also quite beautiful, and everyone’s inner Ansel Adams comes rushing out. The interns took a few minutes this morning to appreciate and hopefully capture the beautiful sights.
Summit interns Tim Greene, Chris Hohman, and Meredith Campbell
This ice on the top of the instrument tower wasn’t sheltered at all. Trying to hold a camera in that kind of wind is almost impossible let alone framing a shot. The ice looks almost serene, completely undisturbed by the extreme winds around it.
I took this picture completely blind, because the moment I walked into the wind my goggles frosted over.
Meredith Campbell, Summit Intern
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