Happy Easter – Bunnies for Everyone!

2007-04-08 07:13:42.000 – Jon Cotton,  Observer

Treasure eggs

Well it is that day isn’t it? Happy Easter!

Alan took advantage of the short window of clearing yesterday to create some cloud video. It starts with varying fog blowing overhead followed by a rolling sea of complete undercast at sunset

We’ve got a fresh breeze pushing formerly ground-based snow into circulation and snow showers look to continue through tomorrow along with more fog. You ever have that experience of saying a word over and over so many times that it loses meaning? I believe that will happen with the word ‘fog’. Technically speaking ‘freezing fog’ with more syllables is playing with higher stakes. By the end of this shift week, it could very well turn out that Kyle will have seen 3 hours of sunlight in eight days. My total will be 1 hour of sun and 1 hour of clear night skies. When I get home I think I might just open all the windows and cut a hole in the roof.

We are keeping recreationally satisfied though. Yesterday’s light winds allowed for another soccer session on the deck. Friday night was our holiday prep. Shelley – Alan’s wife and gracious volunteer for the week – brought up three different Easter egg decoration packages. Tablets in vinegar are old hat. Vibrant and thick-coating goopey dye was new to me. Stickers helped to mask the lack of artistic talent. I don’t speak for Mike though. He discovered that a pencil dipped in dye and handled like a quill is remarkably capable of producing fine line art. Using alternative tools and thinking outside the box is encouraged. For my part, I learned that one should not buy brown eggs before Easter. For all you participating at home, I’m a little jealous because I’m sure you have white eggs. I do love Easter but let me flip the calendar and say I’m much more practiced at pumpkin carving.

Like on Halloween, I have consumed too much sugar this week but I’m not stopping now. When I wake up this evening it will be to a cake shaped like a bunny. Yes!


Jon Cotton,  Observer

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