Happy Thanksgiving from the roof of the Northeast!
2013-11-28 11:03:19.000 – Brian Fitzgerald, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
While the observations are as routine as ever (albeit in snow, hurricane force winds and wind chills of -40 degrees) today, our actual routine will incorporate most of the things we would love to be doing if at home with friends and family. To start the day, deicing, radio shows, forecasting, shoveling and data check will proceed as normal, only to be hopefully followed up by football, roasting the turkey, finishing pies, and whipping up side dishes.
I imagine that we will also have a moment tonight around the dinner table to pause before our meal and give thanks for all that we have. Here at the Mount Washington Observatory we have a lot to be thankful for, including the fact that every day, 365 days a year, even on holidays, our members, trustees, donors, sponsors and staff allow each day to be so routine. If you really think about it, it is astonishing what we have been able to accomplish over 81 years on top of Mount Washington, and the legacy we continue to build upon. You can also imagine, how important it is to continue this work, and the significant value of our climate record for present day and future research. Even on a smaller time scale, the forecasts and recreational outlooks we generate are hugely valuable to people like myself who love to recreate and enjoy all aspects of the White Mountains. Finally, as an observer and educator on Mount Washington, I am so thankful to experience unbelievably harsh and unique weather conditions first hand and have the chance to share this experience and knowledge through tours, outreach and Distance Learning programs to classrooms across the continent.
I hope today while considering what and who you are thankful for, Mount Washington, the mountains and the Mount Washington Observatory find a special place in your heart as well. As this year draws to a close we are asking for your help , one member or donor at a time to give whatever you can afford to our Year-End Fundraising Campaign with a goal to reach $150,000 to secure funding for our operations, outreach, education and research. As you can imagine, there is a cost to every picture of Marty dressed up in his EMS snow suit, time spent by highly skilled meteorologists to create forecasts for your safety and enjoyment, keeping the lights and heat running in a brutally isolated mountain top, and many, many other resources that we offer.
So please, give what you can, and I can absolutely promise that we will be more than thankful for your help. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Stay posted for photos of Marty eating turkey!
Brian Fitzgerald, Weather Observer/Education Specialist
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