Hike to S. Presidentials

2009-03-21 16:22:34.000 – Jordan Scampoli,  Summit Intern


As Stacey mentioned yesterday, it was quite the day! Incredibly light winds coupled with no clouds made for one of the best days I’ve had on the summit so far. I was able to get out for a hike, which made the day even better.

I took a leisurely stroll down the Crawford Path past Lakes of the Clouds and up onto Mt. Monroe, stopping briefly to talk to a few other hikers. I made my way down to Mt. Franklin, then doubled back to a false summit just to the south of Monroe. There I cut a recliner out of the snow and lounged on my sleeping pad while enjoying a bagel, a brownie complements of Frank our volunteer, and ample sunshine. I had set my chair up in a pristine snowfield protected from the slight winds by a small cliff – needless to say it was warm and I was down to my poly-pro base layer and sun glasses by the time I packed up and headed out.

I continued hiking about Bigelow lawn, stopping to watch some skiers and snowboarders hiking Right Gully and some others riding down the fields above the Headwall. I made my way back to the summit in time for Steve to get out for a bit himself. I would say that it was the most memorable winter hike I’ve been on.

Sorry for the lack of pictures, but in this digital age sometimes it’s nice to leave the camera at home and only have them stored in your memory. Suffice it to say that it was the most beautiful day on the summit and I have the sunglass tan (read: burn) to prove it.


Jordan Scampoli,  Summit Intern

Disaster in the Naugatuck River Valley

August 30th, 2024|Comments Off on Disaster in the Naugatuck River Valley

Disaster in the Naugatuck River Valley By Francis Tarasiewicz On the afternoon of August 18th, a roughly 31-mile swath of the Naugatuck River Valley in southwestern Connecticut experienced a generational rainfall event. Over a

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