Hiking for Work
2010-10-28 22:09:25.000 – Mike Finnegan, IT Observer
Hiking for Work!
One of my favorite parts of this job is the fact at times I get to hike in some of the most beautiful places in the northeast. Today was one of those days and was made even more so by the fact that it looks as though we will be in the fog for a bit. Don’t get me wrong, I love looking at clouds. It’s just that I like looking at them from a slight distance. As a general rule, they are more impressive on the outside than the inside. Today I took the opportunity given the nice weather to head down to Lakes of the Clouds hut and do some work. I had to rewire a data logger, install a memory card, and replace a temperature/humidity probe. After this was complete, I had a nice leisurely stroll back up the mountain, stopping along the way to take some pictures. With winds up around 40 mph at the summit, I took the time to enjoy the rustling of the sedge that before long will not be heard again until springtime. There were lots of little birds flying all about and chirping with surprise as I came close. The lakes were covered with a thin layer of ice in spots and open water in others. All the while, friendly cumulous clouds floated a couple thousand feet over the summit, casting an ever-changing pattern of shadows on the landscape. Fast-forward twelve hours to now and the windows outside this office are now covered in rime ice, obscuring the outside world of wind and fog. I am definitely glad work got me outside a bit today – it was not a good day to spend in front of a computer!
Mike Finnegan, IT Observer
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