Hiking to Mesonet Sites
2010-03-12 13:17:49.000 – Nick Lovejoy, Summit Intern
Halfway House on the Cog Railroad
Yesterday I was asked to hike down the Cog track and check out a few locations for new mesonet sites. I couldn’t have asked for a better day to take that trek. I started out skiing out of the front entrance of the observatory and then headed north down along the track.
The wind was only blowing about 25MPH, it was 25 degrees out, and the sun was shining so brightly that by the end of the day my nose and cheeks were nice and rosy.
I saw 4 different groups of hikers during my trip, all of them either skinning up or hiking with snowboards on their backs. Everyone I spoke with was as excited as I was about the warm weather and the prospect of the trip back down.
On my hike back up to the summit I was able to layer down to a wicking t-shirt and some sun glasses.
Everyone seems to be excited about the idea of spring and along with it spring skiing, but remember the mountain is a dynamic place where changes can take place by the hour. If you’re thinking about coming up for an adventure of your own this spring be sure to check the weather first, as well as the Forrest Services’ avalanche report. Have Fun!
Nick Lovejoy, Summit Intern
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