intern contemplation
2008-08-24 14:00:28.000 – Stacey Kawecki, Observer
Marty, rockin’ his cool cat cap
There has been an influx of former interns on the summit this weekend, much to our delight. It’s always great to see faces from the past. Someone you lived with for months at a time. Those who have seen you at your smelliest and still appreciate you for who you are, not what you look like after a week of minimal grooming. I am speaking of Aubrie Pace, who graced Brian and Ryan’s shift, Ryan Buckley, who was our shift’s beloved winter intern, and Linnea Koons, one of our wicked smart fall interns. n
nThis brings me to a point of contemplation. I say “our” interns, but since Linnea and Aubrie have been here, so much has changed. Once every so often, more like once every season change, from summer to fall, fall to winter, and winter to summer, not only does the crew experience a change in the weather, but we also experience a changeover of interns. We’ve come to that time once again. Already, we’ve bid bittersweet farewells to our summer interns, Ted Letcher, Natalie Martin, and Lisa Hodges. Jeff Wehrwein has agreed to stay as an intern to continue his work with computer programming, so we have a little while before we bid him adieu. Now we prepare to welcome two new interns for the fall season. n
nSpeaking of fall, our shift might be graced with a little bit of the cold, white stuff (rime and glaze ice) as a cold front fast approaches the area. We are all keeping our fingers crossed, it’s always a thrill when the chill of winter stops by for a visit.
Stacey Kawecki, Observer
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