Interns begin to depart
2006-08-16 05:29:34.000 – Ken Rancourt, Meteorologist
Although we are seemingly into mid summmer, or so says the calendar, this is the season when we start to see our summer intern crew returning to classes. We are always sorry to see the interns leave as they add so much to the summit experience.
Walter Sessions is the first intern to depart as he heads back to Florida State in Tallahassee to finish his degree program in meteorology. Walter has been dubbed the Chief Prveyor of Adjectives for his witty style, and concise descriptions (although they may be somewhat lengthy at times!). We all wish Walter the best and hope that he can return to visit in the future.
It is also the season when new ‘fall’ interns start to arrive and begin their summit experience. Their training will proceed with briefings on how to code the weather, how to clean up and close out the museum at night, and determining when they should show up at the dinner table (7 PM sharp!). For some reason they never forget the last one, and part of that is due to the great meals that our volunteers craft for us. Maggie was our volunteer this last week, and Ken, Frank and Jane were all up to help out on the weekend. As they say, many hands make light work, and their efforts are greatly appreciated.
The next shift is almost on it’s way up the hill. Jim and Ryan will be taking over operations for the next 8 days, and we’ve left them clearing skies and lowering humidity. That will mean more visitors, tours, and ‘Live from the RockPile’ segments to keep them busy. Hopefully that will help keep them out of trouble!
Also click here and scroll down for Tim’s comment’s last night…just so you don’t miss anything!
Ken Rancourt, Meteorologist
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