Interns First Day

2011-08-18 15:59:12.000 – David Narkewicz,  Summit Intern

Today is my first full shift day as I just started my Fall Summit Internship at the Mount Washington Observatory. So far it has been a great start to my new journey. The weather has been exceptional over the past 24 hours. Yesterday in the afternoon, the temperatures were in the 50’s with winds only around 15-30 mph. The visibility was right around 110 miles. I took every opportunity I had to be outside and take few snapshots, not knowing when I would see another summer day up here like this. The sunset was a beautiful orange that made the top of the far off mountains look like they were on fire. I even took a step out on the observation deck at night. There were a few clouds in the sky but that did not effect the sights. There was a very pretty view of the moon lighting up a jet contrail that seemed to travel forever in the distance. I was also able to see the lights of Portland, Maine, which lays roughly 65 miles to the southwest. It was a perfect end to my first day.

Everyone on the staff has been very helpful and nice. Steve has been training and will continue to train me throughout the week on the day to day tasks. I am continuously learning about the various weather facts and attributes that have occurred up here. Soon I will become fluent in the Mount Washington Observatory language. I am very grateful to have this opportunity to spend a few months working up here as I will greatly benefit learning from valuable experiences and meeting new friends.


David Narkewicz,  Summit Intern

Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds

September 4th, 2024|Comments Off on Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds

Reflecting On My Summer in the Clouds By Maya Hartley Arriving at the summit of Mount Washington for the first time ever just a couple of months ago was a moment I will never

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