“Leaning on the Shoulder”
2010-10-04 20:23:20.000 – Erica Sandschulte, Summit Intern
View of the Valley
This past week the summit has gone from being in the fog for almost three days with occasional hurricane force winds to temperatures plummeting into the mid-20’s, and concluding among clear skies with calm winds. On Saturday the summit awoke to blue skies and we could see the valley! I had almost forgot what it looked like being stuck in a cloud for so long, not that it’s the worst thing that could happen, but wow the colors have made a significant change in the past week! Being at a birds eye view it can be difficult to make out all the details of the colors in the valley; but this year yellow seems to be the most prominent given the late arrival of rainfall over the region this year. Aside from that it is still a great view to see from the summit.
Now that we are in our shoulder season, the summit has tapered off with the busy summer tourists but, Columbus Day is this coming weekend. I have been informed that this is one of New England’s busiest times of the year. The valley will be populated with people coming to see the changing of the colors as we are in the height of our foliage season! The summit will pick up with more tourists towards the end of this week with people from out of state and over seas to come see the mountain for its spectacular views and of course the observatory. Giving tours to is one of my favorite things to do here on the mountain because I am able to meet people from all over the world, share with them something I love to do, and also educate them about what we do here in the Observatory.
Tourist season will soon wind down and it will become quiet around here. In trade we will be heading into the most exciting and beautiful times of the year-winter! At least in my opinion as a meteorologist and a winter sport fanatic I look forward to getting a taste of what the winters are like here on and off the mountain. Don’t worry, even though it may be quiet here on the mountain we aren’t going anywhere; we will keep you posted with our continued Observer Comments and weather updates!
Erica Sandschulte, Summit Intern
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