Let EduTrips be your Winter Wonderland

2012-01-21 18:12:18.000 – Rebecca Scholand,  Operations Assistant

Tonight’s Winter Wonderland

Today my Facebook news feed has been inundated with posts from friends about it snowing on Long Island. Although our winter here in the north could easily be better I had almost forgotten that some places still have not seen the fluffy white stuff. Growing up on Long Island we certainly did not have the same snow fall as the northeast but even this year winter has been sparse for my friends and family back home. Not anymore! However for those of you whose posts are not reading ‘I LOVE waking up to a winter wonderland’ there is still hope. Mount Washington EduTrips!

With numerous trips still available this winter season you can experience an extreme winter wonderland like no other on the summit of Mount Washington. With various trips focusing on glacial geology, the science of weather and climate, mountaineering and more, there is sure to be a trip for you. And what better way exemplify winter transportation than in a Snow Tractor? Experience Mount Washington’s weather and give your winter post a facelift. Everyone will like ‘I LOVE waking up on an Arctic island with snow, blowing snow, freezing fog, hurricane force winds, and below zero temperatures on the summit of Mount Washington! This is my winter wonderland!’

For more information and a complete listing of EduTrip topics and dates you can visit www.MountWashington.org


Rebecca Scholand,  Operations Assistant

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