Marty update, cap cloud, and Science in the Mountains

2009-08-03 21:57:34.000 – Brian Clark,  Observer and Meteorologist

Marty catching some rays

Since we’ve been getting some requests for an update on our cat Marty, I figured I would start this comment with just that. After having 10 teeth removed and his ears flushed two weeks ago tomorrow, the little guy has been doing quite well. As Stacey wrote a week and a half ago in her comment about Marty, it took him a few days to recuperate, but at this point he is back to his usual antics. He’s even been a bit more chipper and affectionate than he was before his vet visits, most likely because he doesn’t have 10 rotting teeth in his mouth anymore!

In weather related news, we were treated to very nice views of a cap cloud over top of the mountain this morning. A cap cloud is a type of lenticular cloud that essentially sits right on top of the mountain. It is formed when moist air cools as it rises up the mountain, which in turn causes it to condense into a cloud . The sinking air on the lee side of the mountain then dissipates the cloud. Cap clouds occur on the mountain relatively frequently, however more often than not, all we see is fog because we are inside the cloud. This morning however, we were underneath the cloud, in a sort of dome essentially. This allows us to see the edges of the cloud hanging below the summit all around us. It’s something that I’ve only seen happen a handful of times and I love it every time I do!

A couple more pictures from this morning:

Closer up shot of the cloud dissipating

Another view of the edge, looking NE

Don’t forget that our Science in the Mountains videoconferencing series will continue this coming Wednesday at 7 p.m. at our Weather Discovery Center on Main Street in North Conway. This weeks instalement will take you on a virtual visit to the Miami Science Museum in Miami, FL. I know it’s still a couple days away, but it’s never to early to start planning! Oh, and thanks to the support of the North Country Region New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, admission is free!


Brian Clark,  Observer and Meteorologist

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