Marty visits the vet

2011-08-21 18:24:44.000 – Brian Clark,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist

Marty, back on his favorite chair

Steve let the cat out of the bag the other day (pun intended) when he briefly mentioned that our beloved mascot and pet, Marty the cat, had to go down to the valley for a couple of days last week to visit his vet. Naturally, we have had quite a few people asking if he is ok and generally wondering how he’s doing, so I figured I would take this opportunity to let everyone know that Marty is doing just fine. The reason he had to go to the vet was to have the rest of his teeth pulled. Now, if you have followed the Observer Comments over the last few years, you may recall that Marty had to initially have some teeth pulled a couple of years ago. This time, the rest of them came out, and it’s all due to an autoimmune disorder that he has, where his immune system attacks his own teeth. According to his vet, Dr. Sheri, the preventative care that we have done over the years bought him some time, but it was truly inevitable that he would have to have all his teeth pulled because of this disease.

So the procedure was done on Thursday, and the now toothless guy came back to his home on Friday afternoon. Dr. Sheri is great, and made sure that Marty was (and is) as comfortable as possible, and like I said, he is doing very well. Surely it will take some time for him to adjust to having no teeth, and we may have to change the way we feed him, but it really must be such a relief to Marty not to not have a mouth full of rotting teeth anymore!


Brian Clark,  Weather Observer/Education Specialist

100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington

December 22nd, 2024|Comments Off on 100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington

100 FAQs About Being a Weather Observer on Mount Washington By Alex Branton I recently collaborated with the Education team to compile and answer the most frequently asked questions during our programs. From daily

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