More Fog
2012-04-08 15:22:14.000 – Steve Welsh, Weather Observer/IT Specialist
Marty after his treats
As Mike alluded to in yesterday’s comment we have certainly seen a change in the weather this shift. The past few days have become very monotonous indeed with continuous thick freezing fog, blowing snow and light falling snow. The weather doesn’t look much better for the rest of the shift either, at this rate we’ll have to get the Snow Cat back out.
Talking of cats our resident feline has been very sprightly the past few days, guess he can sense that spring is coming and he’ll be able to get out side again soon. After spending all winter cooped up inside he’s itching to get out, roll around on the deck, scratch his claws on the wind break and play in the rocks. Several times he’s followed me to the door then stuck his head out only to see the fog and snow – you can almost read the disappointment and utter disgust on his face. In the meantime he’s been bulking up on his treats – he sure is one spoilt cat.
Steve Welsh, Weather Observer/IT Specialist
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