Mystic Scenic Studios visits Mount Washington

2014-02-18 17:49:11.000 – Will Broussard,  Outreach Coordinator


As our museum space becomes transformed to welcome the installation of Extreme Mount Washington in just under 3 months, representatives from Mystic Scenic Studios , the group tasked with creating the exhibits, visited the jobsite to take a closer look at the space. Two fabricators from the Norwood, MA based studio traveled to the summit with Director of Museum Operations Bill Grenfell to obtain first-hand knowledge of the site and take accurate measurements of doors, stairways, and passageways. This process is key to navigating the future exhibits around potential obstacles as they are moved into their permanent homes come springtime.

Extreme Mount Washington’s exhibits will be fabricated, fully assembled, and tested in Norwood, MA before being disassembled, packed, and transported to the summit of Mount Washington in May. All of the pieces of the exhibition must be made to break down into small enough subunits to fit through any openings they encounter along the way. A little research by the Mystic Scenic Studios project manager will go a long way in preventing an “oops” down the road. Photos of the progress may be viewed at our Renovation Photos page. Stay tuned for more updates as we work to complete this important project coming to the summit of Mount Washington this spring.

Observer Footnote: Our FREE educational series continues today (Wednesday) afternoon at 4:30PM with an Open House exhibiting the Observatory’s Events, Membership, and Educational programs. At 5PM and 6PM we will connect to our summit meteorologists via a live video link. For more information about our Vacation Week Series, please see our Events Page.


Will Broussard,  Outreach Coordinator

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