New Faces and New Spaces

2014-12-07 17:35:53.000 – Kaitlyn O’Brien, Weather Observer/Education Specialist


During this shift week, we have been lucky enough to work with Tom Guilmette, a videographer based in Boston, MA. After helping us capture spectacular footage for the Extreme Mount Washington exhibit, he has returned to the summit. This time he focused on a very special project that began in the beginning of November. Thanks to the Facilities Committee, Berkeley Building Company, Mount Washington State Park crew, donors, and fans, the Observatory bunk rooms have received a much needed renovation. This documentary shows the dedication of the construction team and illustrates just how much time and coordination it takes to complete a project of this scope. On behalf of the Observatory, thank you to everyone who had a hand in this process; we could not have done it without you!


Kaitlyn O’Brien, Weather Observer/Education Specialist

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