2007-07-14 01:20:10.000 – Nin, Summit Cat
Seeing double.
Hello everyone! It has been a while since you have purred from me. I am doing quite well and have been enjoying my summer thus far. My feline feet are enjoying the feel of rocks and grass when I venture outside on warm sunny days. The vegetation is very welcoming because in just a couple of months ice and snow will return to my backyard. We have had lots of visitors to the observatory through tours, EduTrips and special guests. I hope to see more of my fans throughout the remainder of the summer.
Today the summit crew and I were treated to a special atmospheric phenomenon. We witnessed a primary and secondary rainbow to our northeast! I overheard the meteorologists up here talking about how it forms. It occurs when sunlight is being reflected more then once in a water droplet so after two reflections you see a secondary rainbow. Also if you look closely you can see that the colors are reversed!
Meow there is one more thing before I go. There is much more happening at the Observatory later this month and for the rest of the summer. This Wednesday kicks off the first presentation for the Science in the Mountains – Climate Change Lecture Series. I hope you can join us at the Weather Discovery Center on Main Street in North Conway July 18th beginning at 7 PM. By the way admission is free! Also if you looked at the yesterdays comment, the 7th annual Seek the Peak is just around the corner on July 27th and July 28th. There is still time to sign up. Finally, summer EduTrips are happening right now. There’s still room to sign up to learn more about the mountain’s weather, history and environment!
By the way what do cats like best on a hot day? Mice cream!
Nin, Summit Cat
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