
2006-11-23 10:33:15.000 – Nin,  Summit Cat

Thanksgiving nap…


I’m glad to be back on the mountain after my hectic week away from my home. I’m not supposed to leave the summit, as I am Nin of the Mountain! However, with the early snowfall in October this year, my veterinarian Dr. Schafer was unable to come up to the summit for my annual house call. I thought I had dodged the experience, but last Wednesday the observers tricked me into getting into my cat carrier, and drove me down the mountain. I grudgingly behaved.

It has been nearly four years since I was last in the valley, and the extra air down there was a little much to take in all at once. After I got used to that I was shuttled down to Jackson to my old friend Laurie’s house where I spent the week.

With no sign of a vet, and all the pampering I could ask for, life was going well UNTIL Monday, when I was loaded back into my cat carrier and brought to the Fryeburg Veterinary Hospital. Poking, pulling, prodding, more poking and then some needles…I do not like the vet. The end was all good news though…despite some itchy skin allergies and the purrplexing fact that I lost some weight, I’m doing pretty well for an old cat! With a clean bill of health, I was free to go back to the summit. I’d have to wait until shift change Wednesday for that though.

So now I’m back, on my favorite holiday of the year! A big turkey is in the oven, which means that some of that big bird is bound to fall on the floor. I can’t wait, alright, yes I can, I’ll just take a nap.

I also must thank all of the members of the Mount Washington Observatory that help keep me on the mountain. Without your support, this would be a very normal cat.



Nin,  Summit Cat

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