2010-09-23 16:14:28.000 – Stacey Kawecki,  Observer and Meteorologist

totally worth 430 am!

Happy Fall Everyone!

With crisp cool nights, and sunny Indian summer days, autumn has arrived in style. The hottest colors this fall: orange, yellow, and red! Fall is, by far, my favorite season. In addition to Mother Nature’s fashion show, apples and pumpkins are in season, and mouthwatering smells of leaves and baking apple and pumpkin pies permeate the air. Halloween is fun too.

Yesterday was the first full day of fall, and to celebrate we had shift change! It was a rather eventful morning. As a passenger, I usually fall asleep somewhere before Montpellier and wake up in New Hampshire. However, yesterday I was unable to perform my sleeping duties and stayed awake for almost the whole ride. It was totally worth it, and this time I had my camera!

Sunrise was a colorful event. We could see the peaks of the Presidentials backlit by brilliant pinks and oranges. We could also see that the summit of Mount Washington was (surprise) in the clouds.

Well, after that eye-pleasing event, I wasn’t expecting anything else spectacular to happen. I was wrong. While loading frozen food into the van, we all stopped to gawk and gape in awe. Like waves on the beach we could see clouds rolling and crashing and spilling over the mountains. Of course, we all had to stop and take pictures!

In addition to yesterday’s excitement, we were visited by three sets of volunteers today! Three! That’s six all together! So thank you to Mike and Karen (MIKREN), Brad and Sue Wyman, and a special thanks to Jeanine and Charlie Kinney – who brought up tonight’s entree of salmon and haddock (yummy!). It is always a pleasure to see some familiar faces on the summit.

Well I’m going to enjoy my pumpkin-spiced coffee, dream about apple picking, and enjoy the colors that seem to be painted on the surrounding mountainsides.


Stacey Kawecki,  Observer and Meteorologist

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