2010-04-26 17:49:12.000 – Mike Finnegan, IT Observer
Looking out the window a bit ago, I saw something that I have never seen before on the summit. I called my Mom and Winnie, our two volunteers for the week, up to see something I describe as quite unusual. They looked out the window and said, ‘Yeah…so…it’s snowing…’ What was odd was the fact it was snowing straight down. Most often when it is snowing, it is snowing sideways with most of the snow being blown over or off the summit. Now, although unusual, it is not the first time I have seen snow fall straight down on the summit. What made this unique from any other experience was the combined fact that we were not in the fog or mist. In fact, I could look off towards Vermont and see Jay Peak and Camel’s Hump clearly 80 or so miles away. This actually lasted for nearly an hour and a half before I watched the fog roll in from the south, quickly obscuring our visibility to about 1/8 of a mile. That is likely the last I will see of the valley or sun until I head down on Wednesday. I can’t complain though as we’ve hardly had any fog this week so far. I suppose we were about due.
And just as a side note to my previous comment about my car, it appears as though it was the ignition coil that had failed. I am told that once Joe replaced it, the car is banging on all four cylinders, is starting up well, and idling appropriately. I will still do a compression and leak test as the oil in the cylinders still concerns me. Thank you to all those who emailed me suggestions as to possible culprits (Kyle…I’m sorry to say the unicorns were not at fault this time) and thank you Joe and Wayne for all your help. I appreciate it greatly. Only 6,000 more miles until 400K!
PS: It’s a ’96 Toyota Camry…I know some of you are wondering!
Mike Finnegan, IT Observer
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